viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

George Gordon Byron

Acuérdate de mí.
Llora en silencio mi alma solitaria,
excepto cuando esté mi corazón
unido al tuyo en celestial alianza
de mutuo suspirar y mutuo amor.

Es la llama de mi alma cual aurora,
brillando en el recinto sepulcral:
casi extinta, invisible, pero eterna...
ni la muerte la puede mancillar.

¡Acuérdate de mí!... Cerca a mi tumba
no pases, no, sin regalarme tu plegaria;
para mi alma no habrá mayor tortura
que el saber que has olvidado mi dolor.

Oye mi última voz. No es un delito
rogar por los que fueron. Yo jamás
te pedí nada: al expirar te exijo
que sobre mi tumba derrames tus lágrimas.

British School  (19th century) Miniature Portrait of Lord Byron, after Richard Westall, profile to the left, wearing a purple cloak over white chemise, unsigned, watercolor on ivory, 2-7/8 x 2-3/8 in.; gold locket frame with intaglio chain decoration,

Remember Me
Deep in my soul that tender secret dwells,
Lonely and lost to light for evermore,
Save when to thine my heart responsive swells,
Then trembles into silence as before

There, in its centre' a sepulchral lamp
Burns the slow flame, eternal, but unseen;
Which not the darkness of despair can damp,
Though vain its ray as it had never been.

Remember me-Oh! pass not thou my grave
Without one thought whose relics there recline
The only pang my bosom dare not brave
Must be to find forgetfulness in thine.

'My fondest, faintest, latest accents hear-
Grief for the dead not virtue can reprove;
Then give me all I ever ask'd-a tear,
The first-last-sole reward of so much love!'

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