sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Jack Kerouac(USA)

"On the Road" is a novel by Jack Kerouac. It is a novel of experience; it tells tales of madness played out by all kinds of strange characters, in settings as diverse as a Virginia small-town diner, a New York jazz-joint, and a Mexican whore-house. What connects these adventures is the characters' refusal to miss out on life,and their determination to get the most out of now.

Jack Kerouac signature.svg

  “I was suddenly left with nothing in my hands but a handful of crazy stars.” 

 "de repente, se te dejaba sin nada en las manos salvo un puñado de locas estrellas"

hitch hiking | road to nowhere | freedom | road trip | life on the road | backpacking | travelling |

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